Democracy and the Left

According to a statistic I’m making up right now, Americans conflate communism and fascism an average of 876 million times per day. The main reason is that fascists purposefully confuse people into believing that there’s absolutely no difference between their position (genocide) and the left’s position (preventing genocide), but there’s an important secondary reason: Communism is confusing. Since communism is the most well-publicized leftist ideology in the US, that confusion has rubbed off on every ideology left of Hitler.

In general, the left is in favor of democracy and the right is in favor of just a few people being in charge of everyone else. If you’re a smirking man who wears a trilby, you’re probably thinking, “If that’s true, then why is communism authoritarian?” The answer is that communist theory includes a two-step process for achieving communism — which is a world of full democracy. The first step is authoritarianism.

I can hear you scoffing.

But let’s review US history. There was this British colony, living under a liberal monarchy/parliamentary democracy which didn’t allow the colonists any political power. The colonists decided they wanted a more democratic society, so they all got together and voted and decided that they would be a representative democracy (for white men who owned land). The end.

No, wait! That’s not what happened at all! No, the colonists created a tyranny of the majority — a completely authoritarian nightmare — and wrested control of the colony away from British military forces and those colonists who were royal boot lickers. There were 7 long years of this authoritarian hell — nearly 24,000 colonists died and over 31,000 people died on the British side (including over 7500 Hessian mercenaries). The bootlickers were allowed to go to Canada — they were not allowed to participate in the new government — and the US became a significantly more democratic place than it was before.

Was there anything at all wrong about this? Seems A-OK to me.

Leninism is precisely this same strategy. First, you create a tyranny of the majority — a dictatorship of working people. Obviously, the ruling class assholes who created the situation you are rebelling against don’t get to participate. Then — in theory — after your dictatorship has ironed out the wrinkles — you slowly democratize everything until you’ve achieved communism.

Authoritarianism is an effective tool for getting rid of the ruling class, but it is a less effective tool for creating democracy — the tendency is to just replace one ruling class with another. Were you aware that some dingus proposed making George Washington into a king?

In Russia, the democratizing step didn’t really happen, and I blame the Bratva. The Bratva are the Russian mob. Lenin tried to get rid of them and failed, then Stalin took over and he was one of them. The Bratva remained in control of Russia and even today — with communism gone from the country — Russia is ruled by the Bratva. It’s almost as if the problem with Russian communism wasn’t the communism, but the Russians.

In Cuba, on the other hand, the switch between authoritarianism and democracy seems to have worked out just fine. Naturally, the Cuban ruling class (who were allowed to leave) doesn’t see it that way when they peer south from their homes in Florida, but that’s kind of like believing the drunk lying in the gutter outside of the club when he tells you that there was absolutely no justification for him getting kicked out.

This is a huge area of conversation on the left: How do we achieve the maximum possible democracy? There are certainly a lot of communists out there saying that we need to take power away from the ruling class, because they’re not going to just hand it over. And that’s certainly a very good point. There are also anarchists who say that we can lead by example and create a world that duplicates the functions of the corrupt state, and then the ruling class simply won’t have power anymore. Also a great point. The majority of leftists, however, are willing to do anything that works to increase the amount of democracy in their world — even voting — and do not see cruelty as an effective tool for progress.

The left is so wholeheartedly committed to democracy that it spends a lot of time internally trying to tweak processes to make sure that democracy is maximized. Leftists are constantly questioning their own assumptions about whether or not they are succeeding, and keep their eyes open for something going wrong. Things do go wrong sometimes — we’re all only human after all.

But unlike some people, leftists don’t just give up and say, “Well I guess we’re just going to have to choose the lesser evil.”

Neera Tanden

Republicans are freaking out today over the Biden administration’s nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget. Lindsey Graham has gone so far as to call her a “nutjob”, and with this much bile aimed at her, you might think she’s a leftist. She’s not. She’s not even a progressive (despite being the president and CEO for a thing they call the Center for American Progress) unless you redefine the word progress. In fact, she is just a standard neoliberal who even helped sink the Sander’s campaign and opposes Medicaid for All. Sanders and MfA are both centrist positions (balancing the needs of the people with the desires of the powerful), making Neera Tanden a near-right politician.

Everything toxic about the corporate Democratic Party is embodied in Neera Tanden.

Briahna Joy Gray, former national press secretary for Sen. Bernie Sanders

Republicans are apparently angry because she had a lively Twitter feed where she constantly bashed Republicans — as if their own commander-in-chief didn’t spend about a third of his tweet time doing the same thing. Are they not the party of of free speech? I’m kidding — we all knew they were lying about valuing free speech. Tanden certainly didn’t say that any Republicans should be taken out and shot — which is exactly what one of Trump’s attorneys recently said about the Republican former cybersecurity czar.

Don’t believe the Republican party when they call someone a leftist — they are probably lying. They want to make the Democratic party sound like dangerous extremists in order to energize the Republican base. They want you to believe that anyone left of Hitler is a Soviet, even while they tacitly support all of the strategies that made Russian communism controversial.

Don’t believe the Democratic party when they claim to be “the left” or “progressive”. They’re conservatives. They want to make the Democratic party sound progressive in order to energize the left to take them seriously and support them with both votes and labor while party leaders continue to support conservative positions. They do, of course, seem progressive if you only compare them to the fascism of today’s Republican party. And yes, there are individual Democrats who are definitely progressive; they don’t control the party.

It’s no wonder so many Americans are confused about politics. America’s ruling class (billionaires) and their minions continue to destroy the meaning of political words to the extent that it’s hard to even talk about what is real. We’ll have to overcome that if we’re going to ever have any kind of real progress. I’m certainly not suggesting anyone should oppose Neera Tanden’s nomination — with the Biden administration, that’s as good as it is going to get.

Media and the Failure of American Morality

The root cause of America’s ongoing material failures is our complete moral failure, which stems from over 50 years of pro-selfishness propaganda. Now, if you talk about morality with most Americans — including almost all Republicans and Democrats — they will tell you that:

  1. All human behavior is based on selfishness, which is not only inevitable but basically a good thing, and
  2. Anyone claiming to be behaving for the greater good or out of altruism is a fraud and hiding that they are actually more evil than most people.

Neither of these things are true. Cooperation, rather than selfishness, is one of the primary reasons for the success of the human specie, and although there certainly are a lot of con artists out there, most cons involve appealing to the mark’s selfishness — they’re not typically about a false display of caring for others. It is true, however, that when capital claims to be trying to solve a problem (like climate change or access to health care), typically it’s a mere performance of morality designed primarily to increase profits; they, not the altruists, are the real con artists.

While certainly not the only source of this cultural debasement, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is probably the most famous source text for American immorality. And they made a trilogy of movies about it that is apparently slightly better than the novel. Here’s a review from a progressive:

Atlas Shrugged is old material, but when an idea gets lodged securely in a culture, it starts reproducing itself everywhere, much like how a virus invades your body and starts tricking your own cells into making copies of it. Here’s an example of that: Rick and Morty, which is a show I definitely enjoy watching. You might have thought Rick and Morty was an example of leftists media (because of the naughtiness), but the text of the show clearly portrays the worst person in the universe constantly triumphing over the forces of idiocy.

Like American culture as a whole, Rick and Morty conflates selfishness with intelligence and altriusm with stupidity; this is directly counter to leftist ethics. Here’s a video about that from the same guy as the above, but after he was radicalized:

This meme of selfishness — and of altruism being the “real” evil — has a function whether or not an individual who is reproducing it understands that function. That function is to make evil people seem normal — or even good. This meme is the reason why voters choose the lesser evil in every election and dismiss good people as idiots or “dangerous leftists”. This meme is why we believe the Republican and Democratic parties when they tell us that a centrist political position like democratic socialism is a dangerous, impractical ideology.

If we want to make America great, we’re going to have to start by making America good, and to do that, we must end the meme of selfishness. Think about the media you consume. How often is the evil character the protagonist? How often is the evil character also the coolest character? What’s that doing to your mind?

This Isn’t Over

There’s a lot of political insanity going on right now — no, I’m not talking about the 56 million people who think Joe Biden stole the 2020 election — I’m talking about Democrats who are now overwhelmingly saying, “Welp, that’s it! Fascism has been defeated forever!”

That’s neat. Apparently, Democrats didn’t learn anything when conservatives went completely insane after the election of Barack Obama; nor did they learn anything when conservatives went completely insane after the election of Bill Clinton. And, apparently, they forgot that fascism is the foundation of this nation — they forgot how creating this nation required a genocide that’s still going on today, and they forgot how this nation was built by enslaved people. They forgot how systemic racism still exists today, and isn’t going to go away in their lifetimes. They forgot how the Trump phenomenon is a process that has been building since November of 1979, rather than some quirky anomaly. They certainly forgot how Joe Biden actively participated in maintaining and building a right-wing government, and yet just wasn’t white and racist enough for roughly half of voters.

One of the primary characteristics of Democrats as a group seems to be not just a fascinating aptitude for ignoring reality, but a real thirst for believing that everything is A-OK. Democrats solve problems by saying out loud that there isn’t a problem. Which might explain why they hated Trump so much — he just kept saying the quiet part out loud.

Here’s what’s going to happen: The Trump regime is going to continue to stumble forward with their half-assed coup — not because they believe in the rule of law or have something resembling integrity — because they are afraid to cross that Rubicon. They’re afraid they’ll fail and end up in jail forever, or executed as insurgents. They also can’t drop it completely because of the rage that would induce in Republican voters.

They’re going to wait for Biden to be a disappointment — which he will be. I realize Democrats are all high on success right now, but Biden is truly a disaster area. Not only that, but a dyed-in-the-wool neoliberal like Biden (and his crew) does not have any tools at his disposal to solve the most serious problems facing this country or the world. The most he can do is tread water while those 56 million right-wing extremists seethe and plot. And, you know, he can share charming anecdotes about Cornpop or whatever.

It is literally impossible for Biden to satisfy right-wing voters.

When the 2024 election comes around, the Democratic left (who are centrists according to any sane political compass) will again attempt to win the Democratic party nomination. They’ll present America with a person who is extremely competent, moral, factually correct — and popular. The DNC and the American media will again sabotage that person (at the behest of their billionaire overlords), and convince Democratic voters that their near-right darling is the “practical” choice — i.e., the person that will allow them to go back to sleep. And then, that Democratic candidate will lose and the next President after Biden will be another fascist — except this time the fascist will be competent.

When faced with a competent fascist, what will Democrats do? Everything indicates that they will not do anything effective. They might march (with a permit). They might make an angry Facebook post. They might even change their Facebook icon temporarily as a sign of resistance, or wear a resistance-themed hat. In short, they will fail.

Trump lost the election, but it’s not like he was destroyed — and certainly Trumpism is a thing that exists completely independently from Trump the man. It’s not like this is a superhero movie, and the villain is dead — requiring the writers for the next movie in the franchise to manufacture a new villain. No, the villain — or, rather, villains — are still standing right there. They are right there. Plotting and waiting.

Please enjoy this related video from 2019:

Lincoln and Marx | Jacobin

Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx were contemporaries who influenced one another. This is a more accurate article than the similarly-themed article in the Washington Post. I found it interesting that Marx was a regular contributor to The New York Daily Tribune which was the most influential Republican newspaper of the time.

Lincoln and Marx by Robin Blackburn (Jacobin Magazine)

Abraham Lincoln, as president, chose to reply to an “Address” from the London-based International Workingmen’s Association. The “Address,” drafted by Karl Marx, congratulated Lincoln on his reelection for a second term. In some resonant and complex paragraphs, the “Address” heralded the world-historical significance of what had become a war against slavery. The “Address” declared that victory for the North would be a turning point for nineteenth-century politics, an affirmation of free labor, and a defeat for the most reactionary capitalists who depended on slavery and racial oppression.

Here’s a link to the actual letter and the response sent by Ambassador Adams:

Coup Update

Obviously, the Trump regime’s claims that the election was fraudulent are in and of themselves part of the coup. But this is the kind of deception that has been a continuous feature of Trump, so it’s not particularly compelling. But there’s a lot more than that going on.

Trump still has a path to legally winning the election thanks to the fact that states are not legally bound to respect the result of the vote. They may send electors that have agreed to vote for Trump even if the popular vote in their state favors Biden; these are commonly called “faithless electors”. If the accepted procedure for counting electoral votes is used, it looks like Biden would win with 303 electors, and Trump would get 232 electors. However, if the states where Biden won but the governor is a Republican send electors who favor Trump, then Trump gets 288 electors and Biden loses, with 247 electors. Please feel free to check my math!

The states where this could happen are: Arizona, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. (Again, please check my work!) I waited to bring this up until I saw the mainstream media covering the issue because I didn’t want to give the Trumpies any ideas. Despite this being technically legal, we would consider this to be an obvious violation of the will of the people, and therefore an insurrection. Such an outcome would go to the Supreme Court; I have no idea how that would turn out, and the interim conditions in the US would be dire.

In addition, Trump has been firing military leaders and presumably replacing them with Trump regime loyalists. Specifically, he has removed Pentagon leadership (including Secretary of Defense Mark Esper) and two top Homeland Security officials. Esper did not back Trump’s desire to use active duty troops to quell uprisings in US cities, and Homeland Security has been used as a Trump goon squad at uprisings (includes ICE, FEMA, Border Patrol, Secret Service, and more).

Related: Trump purges Pentagon leadership, ‘something that should alarm all Americans’

Related: Two top Homeland Security officials forced to resign by White House

So you can see that in addition to the standard flow of propaganda from the White House, they are also making material preparations for the coup, and it’s clear that the Trump regime is in an extremely good position to succeed. The only thing that can really stop a coup at this point is for almost all of the Republican political elite to reject the coup. That still seems likely at this point. Trump could also chicken out; right now, it looks like he can leave office and continue his con man lifestyle, but if he attempts a coup, the stakes become much higher.

Related: Navarro: White House’s operating ‘assumption is a second Trump term’

Related: Not a Coup but a Cover-Up and a Con Game

Below, you’ll find the table I used for this. I assumed that states controlled by Democrats but won by Trump would not send faithless electors. Columns 3 and 4 are the electors if the accepted procedure is used. Columns 5 and 6 are if the Republican-controlled states that Biden won send the wrong electors.

StateGovernor PartyBiden ElectorsTrump ElectorsFaithless BidenFaithless Trump
New HampshireRep44
New JerseyDem1414
New MexicoDem55
New YorkDem2929
North CarolinaDem1515
North DakotaRep33
Rhode IslandDem44
South CarolinaRep99
South DakotaRep33
West VirginiaRep55
Accepted procedure case vs. Faithless electors case

Marxism 101: How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff | Empire Files

Abby Martin with teleSUR English interviews Dr. Richard Wolff (in March of 2016), who provides a very nice summary of modern Marxist/socialist thought. If we want to get off of the pointless pendulum swinging between two right-wing parties every 4 years, then we’re going to have to think outside the box of capitalism. The next President after Biden is likely to be a fascist who is much more competent than the Trump regime — we need to get ahead of this now.